Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I just got some sweet Rampage Crew gear in. I have a couple of black and white ones available and only a really limited amount. Truth be told when i got home last night my cousin was there and as soon as he seen the design he had to have one of each colour.

So if you want one pop over to the store. (Link is on the side of this page) "[t']he s[t']ore." That site is fully secured to Pay Pal that means extremely safe to use :)

anyways I'm out thanks for checking Le blog.


Sunday, June 14, 2009


Hello and welcome to THREV'NS blog. I will be casting to the world here and if you are out of the loop your are not keeping up to this blog.

A couple of things are changing with THREV'N. It is now a solo ran business that just myself (Rindy) is running.

I will still be giving out free stickers and wristbands and what not but now I am starting to promote and distribute awesome Local bands and hard to get your hands on imported gear from around the globe.

THREV'N still has a MySpace and updates are bound to be up on there every now and then.

But for now I'm organising a more broad web-based community. So if you have any sweet news for me or want me to do some promo for you guys send me some stuff and Ill put it up on my new blog.